It was 1996 when Michael Jordan made his acting debut in Space Jam. It was a pivotal moment for one of the biggest stars on earth. I’m talking about Lola Bunny, not the 6-time NBA world champion.
Because yeah, this is a hentai porn site, not Sports Center.
So what’s all the revived ruckus over Lola Bunny?
The new Lola Bunny hentai porn hype/debacle centers around the upcoming Space Jam remake, Space Jam: A New Legacy.
The remake is slated to be released sometime this year.
Expectations are that much of the original Space Jam’s character’s should remain similar in design. Well, all but one.
Space Jam production revamped/updated/modernized Lola Bunny. And a lot of hentai porn creeps simply aren’t happy about things.
In an Entertainment Weekly article, New Legacy director Malcolm Lee said he’s long been unimpressed with Lola Bunny’s original Space Jam sexualization. Yeah, I’m confident you can see where this is going.
So Lee’s version softens her sexualized edges, sparking a massive outpouring of disappointed Tweeters.
But even that controversy is marred in deeper absurdity.
A comparison picture that’s found itself at the center of vitriol and currently flooding depraved corners of social media is part hentai porn fan art. In other words, the original version isn’t the original version at all.

Yep, Lola Bunny’s boobs are definitely turned down. There’s no more crop top. But hey, she’s still got the same hairdo. But again, we are comparing the new Lola Bunny to an old sexualized fan art version.
I can’t believe this story is news. But also, super excited this story is news. Feel me?
All in all, yes, Lola Bunny is getting a makeover and will be less sexualized. But the original argument uses an image composed by hentai porn artists portraying furry sex fantasy.
Does any of this make sense?