You’re a fun, hot girl who works at a diner. You live paycheck to paycheck. You’re enormous tits cause you back issues, something you’d like to resolve eventually. You are living the life of early 20s, hooking up with dudes, and laughing it up with friends. Then suddenly one day, your life changes and you must confront a brand new, unsavory being. Our Futa Fix Dick Dine and Dash review will break down the erotic plot, the fun and sexy hentai porn graphics, and the overall game play.
Futa Fix Dick Dine and Dash: Review of Plot

When it comes to hentai porn games, the erotica-driven plot remains a central component of the fun. If the erotica is garbage, thus the game has a low ceiling.
Your name is Emily. You’re mid-20s, hot, carefree, and like to bone. You’re pretty normal, although you love your pink hair (its natural, believe it or not).
Futa Fix Dick Dine and Dash’s plot begins when Emily awakens with a pain between her legs. This pain turns out to be a dick. Her dick, not some random club bro’s dick. Like, she now has a dick. It’s inexplicable, a crisis, that’s as traumatic as it is bewildering.
Emily begins a life of shame, embarrassment, humiliation. She’s no longer an idol of her friends, though not all of them know about her overnight gender transformation.
The plot’s action comes down to Emily’s newfound libido. Her dick needs constant pleasure. If she can’t get pleasure, she can barely function. This leads Emily to reveal her dark secret to friends in hope of finding stimulation sources.
In gameplay, you’ll find women to have sex with as options. Will they care about Emily’s big dick? This is a game of choice and options. The choices you make take you down a road for sexy time, or away from it.
Emily’s personality becomes that of a chameleon, allowing her to pick up more women. Yep, she’s pretty much a man at this juncture.
Emily’s dick baggage plays well as a gender transformation drama.
Futa Fix Dick Dine and Dash: Review of Graphics
Futa Fix Dick Dine and Dash graphics are stunning works of art. Where the plot lacks, the visuals sizzle. And for many hentai porn fans, it’s all about those spicy graphics.
The Bad
The plot’s a bit overly ambigous with its lack of details, for instance, what diner does Emily work at? What’s her exact age?
While these aspects may seem trite, the fact is, Futa Fix Dick Dine and Dash is a visual novel. The erotica centerpiece requires a lure at each turn and a distinct failure in details can at times leave the hentai porn gamer floating mindlessly out to sea.
As a character, Emily is somewhat underdeveloped. Again, those lacking details.
As our Futa Fix Dick Dine and Dash review showed, the erotica plot at times dwindles away with a lack of character development, however, the insanely powerful hentai porn graphics keep the show on the road. It’s a fun play if you’re cool with a bit of a faded plotline. The graphics will keep you mesmerized.